Always concerned about the quality of the fiber, NICO & Co specializes in the care with keratin to restore your hair to its original state.
Whether in the form of hair-botox or Brazilian hair treatment, a keratin treatment aims to restore lost keratin in the hair and restore lasting hydration. The hair regains its natural fluidity and shine. If you want to bring out a natural curl, straighten your hair in a gesture, keratin treatment is for you.
NICO & Co chose the brand ALLYNEA for his Brazilian care.
A brand known for the mix of hyaluronic acid and the juice of the Hibiscus plant. Guaranteed free of formaldehyde, the treatment allows quick and lasting styling.
In order to ensure the best result, NICO & Co includes in its service of Brazilian care a home maintenance kit which includes a shampoo, mask and serum to sustainably enhance the results of your care.